INTERVIEW WITH ANTONIO SORRENTINO Trusted Dealer of Mondani Web based in London & Rome

INTERVIEW WITH ANTONIO SORRENTINO Trusted Dealer of Mondani Web based in London & Rome - MondaniWeb

INTERVIEW WITH ANTONIO SORRENTINO Trusted Dealer of Mondani Web based in London & Rome

5 questions to Antonio Sorrentino, Founder of Take Your Luxury

Antonio is not only one of the first dealers who joined Mondani Web 4 years ago, but he is, first of all, a father, a husband and a serious professional.



Take Your Luxury is based in London and Rome and we are proud to have them as Trusted Dealers of Mondani Web.


Giorgia interviews Antonio:

1) How did you become a luxury watch dealer?
When I was in high school, in my free time, I started to manage a website for a prestigious Italian jewelry and this is how I first approached the market. After that, my love and passion have been increasing and it became my full time work.


2) How do you acquire the selection of sought-after watches you have in stock?
I have been collecting luxury timepieces since the beginning and over the years I’ve always tried to personalize my stock, I chose to go in a different path about what the market usually offers and, I also make a constant and meticulous product research.



3) How did social media change the way to buy, sell and trade watches?
I spent a lot of time on social media, developing an Instagram profile and investing time and resources on it, I believe that I was one of the first to do it. The world of social medias has been changing a lot in the last 5 years and now, it’s not easy to settle in and increase your visibility.


4) Which are the 5 most desirable watches at the moment?
One of my favorite brands is Richard Mille, I felt in love with it 10 years ago, but honestly at the moment, with all the speculation, if I had to recommend to a client of mine a watch to buy, I would suggest to purchase another type of product such as a vintage Audemars Piguet, Patek Philippe or Rolex.



5) How is Covid influencing the watch market and how is Mondani Web helping you to face this crisis?
Well…Incredibly and against every prediction, the covid is intensifying the development of the luxury market either due to a lack of other expenses such as travels and the uncertainty and excessive volatility on the stock markets.
The watch market, in this Covid time or in any past critical times, always turns out to be the safest place, unlike other investments such as diamonds or real estate.
Mondani Web is a great network for doing business in a safe way, with good dealers and without having to move from your office.

Click here and follow Antonio on Instagram

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